"The Passion of the Christ"

"The Passion of the Christ" is a movie that is 2 hrs. and 7 min. long, it released on a date with numerology of 27, 'Sun' equals 27, as Jesus is the personification of the 'Sun', hence SUNday worship. There's a good chance that the 'Jesuits' were behind the making and release of this movie, although I don't have very convincing evidence to support that. But, 'Jesuits' equals 103, the 27th prime number, the Jesuit Order was established on the 27th of September, the formal name of the Jesuits is the Society of Jesus, which was founded on the 227th day of the year, and the Jesuit logo has a sun on it. In addition, 'Horus' was an Egyptian 'Sun' god, and 'Horus' equals 27 in two of the four base ciphers.

The movie released on the 56th day of the year, 'The Son of God' equals 56, 'The Solar God' equals 56, 'The Sunshine' equals 56, the director of this movie was Mel Gibson, who was born in 1956, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56. Furthermore, 'Light' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'Eye of Horus' equals 56, what the 'All-Seeing Eye' is also called, Horus's right eye was said to be the sun, and in Jewish gematria, 'The Sun of God' equals 560. Also, as many think of the Illuminati when they hear "all-seeing eye", note that a JESUIT created the Illuminati, and think about the relation between the words "enlightenment", "illuminati"/"illumination", "light", and "sun".

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