The movie released on the 56th day of the year, 'The Son of God' equals 56, 'The Solar God' equals 56, 'The Sunshine' equals 56, the director of this movie was Mel Gibson, who was born in 1956, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56. Furthermore, 'Light' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'Eye of Horus' equals 56, what the 'All-Seeing Eye' is also called, Horus's right eye was said to be the sun, and in Jewish gematria, 'The Sun of God' equals 560. Also, as many think of the Illuminati when they hear "all-seeing eye", note that a JESUIT created the Illuminati, and think about the relation between the words "enlightenment", "illuminati"/"illumination", "light", and "sun".
"The Passion of the Christ"
"The Passion of the Christ" is a movie that is 2 hrs. and 7 min. long, it released on a date with numerology of 27, 'Sun' equals 27, as Jesus is the personification of the 'Sun', hence SUNday worship. There's a good chance that the 'Jesuits' were behind the making and release of this movie, although I don't have very convincing evidence to support that. But, 'Jesuits' equals 103, the 27th prime number, the Jesuit Order was established on the 27th of September, the formal name of the Jesuits is the Society of Jesus, which was founded on the 227th day of the year, and the Jesuit logo has a sun on it. In addition, 'Horus' was an Egyptian 'Sun' god, and 'Horus' equals 27 in two of the four base ciphers.
FBI files on the Death of Kurt Cobain released a span 33 days after his death anniversary and More
In 2021, the F.B.I. released files that were more speculative than the official story regarding Kurt Cobain's death a span of 33 days after his death anniversary (not to be confused with the anniversary of his body being discovered) on a date with numerology of 33, the F.B.I. was formed on a date with numerology of 33, 'Federal' equals 33, 'Order' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, and 'Police' equals 33, as the Seattle police were too hasty in closing the investigation. Having said that, you should know that a lot of government employees, like 'Police' and F.B.I. 'Agents' are Freemasons, 'Agents' equals 33, 'Masonry' equals 33, and scottish rite freemasonry has 33 degrees. Not to mention that modern freemasonry is Jesuit-controlled, we'll talk about the Jesuits soon. Anyways, this also goes back to how he was rushed to the hospital on 3/3 in 1994 for a supposed suicide attempt, and then 33 days after that, he died. In addition, this source: REVEALED: How CIA got Kurt Cobain ‘hooked on heroin in undercover operation’ - Daily Star says that Cobain was included in a group of musicians that were targeted by the C.I.A. for political reasons, and interestingly enough, the F.B.I. files on Cobain's death released exactly 33 weeks after the C.I.A.'s birthday.
Furthermore, the C.I.A.'s birthday is a date with numerology of 27, the F.B.I. released the files on Kurt 27 years after his death, of course, Cobain was a part of the infamous 27 club, and 'Ritual' equals 27, as it's all about rituals with the group ultimately responsible for the death of Cobain and countless others, THE JESUITS! The Jesuit Order was established on the 27th of September on the 270th day of the year, their formal name is "Society of Jesus", which was formed first on the 227th day of the year, 'Jesuits' equals 103, the 27th prime number, 'Sun' equals 27, as the 'Jesuits' have a 'Sun' in their logo, and Kurt died on the day leaving 270 days in the year.
Creating Your Reality by The Numbers: "The Secret" and Kundalini/Celibacy
The book "The Secret" was originally published 146 days after Bob Proctor's birthday, 'Bob Proctor' also equals 146, 'The Universe' equals 146, 'Manifestation' equals 146, and Rhonda Byrne's birth name was 'Rhonda Izon', a name equating to 146 as well.
"The Secret" says your reality reflects your inner state, 'Secrecy' equals 33, 'Reflect' equals 33, 'Inner' equals 33, 'Inside' equals 33, 'Project' equals 33, 'Desire' equals 33, 'Believe' equals 33, 'Belief' equals 33, 'Aware' equals 33, 'Awareness' equals 33, 'Magic' equals 33, 'Deserve' equals 33 (as you only get what you 'Deserve'), 'Labor' equals 33 (as you have to work towards what you want), 'Manifest' equals 33, and 'Mentalists' equals 33. Continuing, 'Cosmos' equals 33 (NOT TO MENTION THAT MAN IS A MINI COSMOS/MICROCOSM), 'Bless' equals 33, 'Blessing' equals 33, 'Blessings' equals 137, 'Power Within' equals 137, 'Mentalism' equals 137, and 137 is the 33rd prime number. The third eye has been said to 'Manifest' reality, it is also referred to as the 'Pineal' gland and "the mind's eye", 'Pineal' equals 33, 'Mind Eye' equals 33, in order to have more manifestation power, you can raise your kundalini energy from your root chakra, through the 33 vertebrae of your spine, and all the way to your crown chakra. Adding on, "kundalini" is a sanskrit word meaning 'Coiled', a word equating to 33, and in my opinion, the best way to raise and maintain your kundalini energy is by being celibate. After all, kundalini energy resides in the root chakra until it's raised and the root chakra is linked to 'Sex' energy, having said all that, 'Celibacy' equals 33, 'Seed' equals 33, and 'Sex' equals 33. Like I mentioned earlier, you can raise your kundalini energy to your crown chakra, "corona" is the latin word meaning "crown" or "wreath", 'Corona' equals 33, and 'Wreath' equals 33. As we are talking about mastering your mind to in turn master your physical reality, it's important to know that 33 is a master number, specifically, the "master teacher" number, and the other master numbers are 11 and 22, which added together, make 33.
Furthermore, 'Perception', 'Transmute', and 'Feeling' both equal 58, as those things are what it's all about in order to manifest your ideal life, 'The Subconscious' equals 58, as it's vital to program what you want into your subconscious mind, 'Want' equals 58, and 'Wants' equals 58. On top of all that, 'Imagine' equals 58, 'Imagination' equals 58, 'Mastering Reality' equals 58, 'Resonating' equals 58, 'Mentalist' equals 58, 'Pineal Gland' equals 58, 'Kundalini' equals 58, and 'Coiled Energy' equals 58 (what 'Kundalini' is). Finally, another film based on the book "The Secret" is called "The Secret: Dare to Dream", which released on a date with numerology of 58, 'Love Yourself' equals 58, because the more you love yourself, the more the universe will send you blessings, and 'I Am' equals 58, this has been said to be the most powerful phrase to say when manifesting.
DEFINITELY READ THIS RELATED POST AS WELL: Exposing the Gematrix: The Master #'s connected to notorious false flags in History, Astrology, Hermeticism, and Semen Retention (
"The Watchful Eye"
"The Watchful Eye" is a show that aired on Freeform for only 56 days, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'Eye of Horus' equals 56 (what the 'All-Seeing Eye' is also called), and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, remember, a Jesuit created the Illuminati. Also, the Illuminati was created the same year that the U.S. gained "independence" and there were 56 signers on the declaration of independence.
The last day that it aired on Freeform was 35 days before the Illuminati's birthday, the show's main character is 'Elena Santos', a name equating to 35, 'Seeing Eye' equals 149, and 149 is the 35th prime number. In addition, 'Eye' equals 35, 'Watched' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35 (what the jurisdiction of the pope is called), 'Oculus' equals 35 (latin word for eye), 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Jesuitism' equals 35, 'Sol' equals 35 (spanish for "sun", which has been said to be the eye of god), the name of an egyptian sun god is 'Ra', which equals 35, his right eye symbolizes the sun, and the Jesuits have a sun in their logo. Like I said, the Illuminati was created by a Jesuit 149 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, again, 149 is the 35th prime number, the all-seeing eye was put on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill in 1935, and Genesis 3:5 states “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (N.I.V.)
Furthermore, 'Watchful Eye' equals 51, the Illuminati was founded on 5/1 by 'Adam Weishaupt', a name that equals 51, 'Conspiracy' equals 51, and 'Tin Foil Hat' equals 51.
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