The Titanic, Astrology, the Jesuits, and "The Wreck of the Titan"

The stars of "Titanic", Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, have birthdays that are a span of 38 days apart, the titanic movie released 38 days after Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday, the designer of the titanic was born on the 38th day of the year, 'Sinking' equals 38, the Titanic sank in the time of 'Aries', a zodiac name equating to 38, and the planet associated with 'Aries' is the 'Planet Mars', another phrase equating to 38. This matters because Mars is the god of destruction and death, 'Destructed' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38, 'R.I.P.' equals 38, 'Murder' equals 38, 'Killing' equals 38, and 'Fire' equals 38, which is the element of 'Aries'. Speaking of 'Fire', there is a theory that the Titanic sank due to a long-burning coal fire that weakened the ship's hull, making it susceptible to damage from the iceberg, the theory suggests that the 'Fire' may have been burning for weeks before the ship set sail. May I remind you that 'Jesuit Oath' equals 38, which leads me to my next point.

The Titanic sank 201 days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'Roman Mythology' equals 201 (which 'Mars' is a part of), 'Roman' equals 201 in Jewish gematria, and 'Mars' equals 201 in Jewish gematria. This site (The sinking of the Titanic - Universal Church of the Kingdom of God) calls the captain of the Titanic a "temporary jesuit", and the captain's birthday was interestingly a span of 201 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, just like Herbert Haddock's, who was the captain of the Olympic, a sister ship of the Titanic. ANYWAYS, READ THIS NEXT (TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL REASON THE TITANIC SANK): The Jesuit Sinking of the Titanic to Create the Federal Reserve Corp. | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding (

Morgan Robertson was an author that published a book called "Futility" or "The Wreck of the Titan" as it was later called, this book predicted the sinking of the Titanic, as a fictional ocean liner, the Titan, strikes an iceberg while crossing the Atlantic and sinks in the North Atlantic. Furthermore, in the book, this happens in the month of April, the same month the Titanic sank. 

"Futility" was published a span of 94 days after the author's birthday, 'Roman Catholic Church' equals 94, 'Morgan' equals 94, and 'Futility' equals 94.

The Titanic hit the iceberg on 14/4, 'RMS Titanic' equals 144, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, and Morgan Robertson died 144 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday.

He also died 187 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 187.

Robertson died a span of 191 days before his birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

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