StEVE Jobs, EVE Jobs, and StEVE Wozniak

Steve Jobs has a daughter named 'Eve Jobs', a name equating to 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria, in 1976, the first apple 'Computer' released at $666.66, 'Computer' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, 'Internet' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria, 'A.I. System' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, 'Mark of Beast' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, of course, the apple logo symbolizes a bite out of the apple from the tree of knowledge by EVE, and don't look over the fact that EVE is in StEVE, not to mention that the other co-founder of apple is also named StEVE. Along with the garden of eden, 'Genesis' is the chapter of the bible where adam and eve are introduced, where the fall or corruption of 'Humanity' began, 'Humanity' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, 'The Fallen Man' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, 'Corrupt' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria, and 'Genesis' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria.

In 2011, Steve Jobs died on 10/5, 'Computer' equals 105, 'Internet' equals 105, 'A.I. System' equals 105, 'Humanity' equals 105, and 'Masonry' equals 105, as the other Steve that co-founded Apple was Steve Wozniak who became a mason in 1980, and 'Light-Bearer' equals 105. The latter phrase is a title of Lucifer, who was the serpent in the garden of eden, and who the masons and/or luciferians regard as the true god, they believe that light is knowledge or "Gnosis" (one of the words their "G" stands for), therefore, lucifer wanted humanity to be knowledgable by tempting eve to eat from the tree of knowledge and "God" wanted mankind ignorant, which is why he forbid adam and eve to eat from that tree. Having said this, think about all the people that have benefited from certain information that is easily accessible because of Apple and the 'Internet' in general, despite the overwhelming bad that the world-wide-web has provoked.

Going back to Lucifer and 666, according to Jewish or Talmudic folklore, 'Samael' is the true name of Satan and/or Lucifer, who was an archangel, and 'Samael' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria.

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