Gold, 3/20, Alchemy, Periodic Table, Consciousness, and Society of Jesus

March 20th can be written 3/20, 'Christ' equals 32, (Jesus is a personification of the sun and the sun is represented by gold in alchemy), 'Au' (the symbol for gold on the periodic table) equals 32, the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays, the main goal of 'Alchemy' is to turn lead into gold, and 'Alchemy' equals 32. Also, keep the following in mind for later, 'Buddha' equals 32, 'Hermes' equals 32 (a deity of great knowledge and wisdom who has seven philosophic principles named after him called the "hermetic principles") 'Transmutation' equals 32 and 131 (as "transmutation" dates back to alchemy), and 'Mastered' equals 131, the 32nd prime number. Interestingly, the phrase 'Transmutation of Matter' equals 131 (32nd prime #) as well.

Of course, the catholic church is responsible for the English language we know today and the gregorian calendar, that's why the world has been in the palm of their hand for a long time, especially with the creation of the 'Society of Jesus', a phrase that equals 79, and March 20th is on the 79th day of the year in non-leap years. Gold is the 79th element on the periodic table, 'Periodic', 'Periodic Table', 'Lead and Gold', and 'Light' (think sunlight) all equal 79. Furthermore, the prefix for "chemistry" is 'Chem', which equals 79 also.

Mental Alchemy is about transforming one state of consciousness to a higher one, it's about self-mastery, activating christ within, striving for christ consciousness, lead represents total unconsciousness (Saturn), and gold represents total consciousness (the Sun). Having said this, there are 22 main symbols in alchemy, the one for 'Lead' is one of them, 'Lead' equals 22, 'Au' equals 22, gold is the 79th element on the periodic table (the symbol for gold is also one of the main symbols), 'Wisdom' equals 79, 'Gnosis' equals 79, 'Light' equals 79, and 79 is the 22nd prime number. In addition, 'Mind', 'Guru', 'Buddha', 'Master', and 'Lord' all equal one of the three master numbers, 22. The Hebrew name for Jesus is 'Yeshua', it equals 79, which is the 22nd prime number, and you could definitely call Jesus the master of all masters. See? It's all about the state 'Within', interestingly, that's another word equating to 79, which is of course the 22nd prime number. Going back to the periodic table, the inventor of it died on 2/2, and as the majority of the elements on the periodic table can be found in 'Nature', I think it's worth pointing out that 'Nature' equals 79 as well (which we know is the 22nd prime number). Finally, recall the prefix for "chemistry" is 'Chem', which equals 79, the 22nd prime number.

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