Gold, 3/20, Alchemy, Periodic Table, Consciousness, and Society of Jesus

March 20th can be written 3/20, 'Christ' equals 32, (Jesus is a personification of the sun and the sun is represented by gold in alchemy), 'Au' (the symbol for gold on the periodic table) equals 32, the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays, the main goal of 'Alchemy' is to turn lead into gold, and 'Alchemy' equals 32. Also, keep the following in mind for later, 'Buddha' equals 32, 'Hermes' equals 32 (a deity of great knowledge and wisdom who has seven philosophic principles named after him called the "hermetic principles") 'Transmutation' equals 32 and 131 (as "transmutation" dates back to alchemy), and 'Mastered' equals 131, the 32nd prime number. Interestingly, the phrase 'Transmutation of Matter' equals 131 (32nd prime #) as well.

Of course, the catholic church is responsible for the English language we know today and the gregorian calendar, that's why the world has been in the palm of their hand for a long time, especially with the creation of the 'Society of Jesus', a phrase that equals 79, and March 20th is on the 79th day of the year in non-leap years. Gold is the 79th element on the periodic table, 'Periodic', 'Periodic Table', 'Lead and Gold', and 'Light' (think sunlight) all equal 79. Furthermore, the prefix for "chemistry" is 'Chem', which equals 79 also.

Mental Alchemy is about transforming one state of consciousness to a higher one, it's about self-mastery, activating christ within, striving for christ consciousness, lead represents total unconsciousness (Saturn), and gold represents total consciousness (the Sun). Having said this, there are 22 main symbols in alchemy, the one for 'Lead' is one of them, 'Lead' equals 22, 'Au' equals 22, gold is the 79th element on the periodic table (the symbol for gold is also one of the main symbols), 'Wisdom' equals 79, 'Gnosis' equals 79, 'Light' equals 79, and 79 is the 22nd prime number. In addition, 'Mind', 'Guru', 'Buddha', 'Master', and 'Lord' all equal one of the three master numbers, 22. The Hebrew name for Jesus is 'Yeshua', it equals 79, which is the 22nd prime number, and you could definitely call Jesus the master of all masters. See? It's all about the state 'Within', interestingly, that's another word equating to 79, which is of course the 22nd prime number. Going back to the periodic table, the inventor of it died on 2/2, and as the majority of the elements on the periodic table can be found in 'Nature', I think it's worth pointing out that 'Nature' equals 79 as well (which we know is the 22nd prime number). Finally, recall the prefix for "chemistry" is 'Chem', which equals 79, the 22nd prime number.

Tupac and Afeni Shakur's Docuseries "Dear Mama", The "Black Panther" movies, and More

This docuseries is set to release 56 days before what would be Tupac's birthday, 'Dear Mama' equals 56, "Black Panther" came out on a date with numerology of 56, 'Black Lives Matter' equals 56, (see here to understand: Exposing the Gematrix: Death of Afeni Shakur (Tupac Shakur's Mom), The Black Panther Party, the "Black Panther" movie, and The Boule ( Interestingly, "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" released 263 days after the day in history that "Dear Mama" was released, 263 is the 56th prime number, and Afeni Shakur was a member of the Black Panther Party.

This docuseries is set to release a span of 102 days after what would be Afeni Shakur's birthday, 'Afeni Davis Shakur' equals 102, 'Slavery' equals 102, and the 'N*****' equals 102. I only point this out because this is a number always used in rituals with black people, like the civil war that we are taught was fought mainly because of 'Slavery', it began on the 102nd day of the year. Also, "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" released 102 days before the day in history that "Dear Mama" was released. Keep the following in mind for later, a movie about Jackie Robinson called "42" came out on the 102nd day of the year and the actor that played Jackie was Chadwick Boseman.

The docuseries is set to release 59 days after Tupac's song "Dear Mama" came out in history, the last day of Black History Month is on the 59th day of the year, the song came out during Black History Month, and 'Huey' (founder of Black Panther Party), 'Darky', 'Negro', 'Jigaboo', 'Slave', 'Blues', 'Rasta', 'Rastafarianism', and 'Chadwick Boseman' equals 59 (actor that plays "Black Panther"). In addition, BLM was established 59 days before the Boule (black fraternity) was founded.

"Dear Mama" came out 42 days after Afeni Shakur's birthday, 'Blacks' equals 42, 'N*****' equals 42, and 'Slavery' equals 42. This is why 'Jackie' Robinson wore #42, it's why the movie "42" released exactly 42 weeks before what would've been the Jackie Robinson's birthday, and 'Black History' equals 181, the 42nd prime number. Also, Chadwick Boseman's character in "Black Panther" is named 'T'Challa', a name equating to 42, and "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" released a span of 181 days after the Boule's birthday (181 is the 42nd prime #).

Furthermore, the docuseries "Dear Mama" is set to release 11 days before what would have been Afeni Shakur's birthday, 'Black' equals 11, and this is why "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" released on 11/11 in 2022.

The show "Inside Job"

The second season released on the 322nd day of the year, the day that is called "occult day", the day that the founder of the Illuminati died on in 1830, Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati, and they're also called "Order 322". Of course, the show is called "Inside Job", you could definitely call 9/11 an "inside job", and "Order 322" had a lot to do with that infamous event.

"Occult Day" is 201 days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, 'Illuminati Ritual' equals 201, 'Knowledge is Power' equals 201 (the "elites" extensive occult knowledge is how they're able to control us), and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201 (who are the new world order, they are THE top dogs).

The first season and second season of the show released precisely 56 weeks apart, 'Ronald Reagan' equals 56, the main character is "Reagan Ridley", and Ronald Reagan died on a date that can be written 5/6. The founder of the Illuminati was born on a date with numerology of 56, Skull and Bones was founded 56 years after the Illuminati and the U.S.A. was, there were 56 signers on the declaration of independence, 'Eye of Pyramid' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'Eye of Horus' equals 56, 'Light' equals 56 (all-seeing eye symbolizes enlightenment), 'Mind Control' equals 56, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56 (founder of Illuminati was a Jesuit).

Going back to Ronald Reagan, he died 35 days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Eye' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35 (name for the jurisdiction of the pope), 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Jesuitism' equal 35, 'Oculus' equals 35 (latin for "eye"), recall the skull and bones connections, and 'Skull and Bones' equals 149, the 35th prime number.

'Inside Job' equals 57, just like 'Conspiracy' and 'Tinfoil Hat' do.

The first season released 47 days after the birthday of the creator of this show, who also wrote and produced for the show gravity falls, the first season also released when she was 33, these are the two big masonic numbers, see here to understand: Exposing the Gematrix: Gravity Falls pays tribute to Masonry ( The creator's name is "Shion Takeuchi", 'Takeuchi' equals 33, again, the second season of "Inside Job" released on "occult day", which was exactly a span of 33 weeks before George Bush's birthday, who is a member of skull and bones and who was president during 9/11, and 'Bonesmen' equals 33 (what skull and bones members are called).

The second season released 74 days after her birthday, 'Illuminatus' equals 74 (the singular word for "Illuminati"), 'Occult' equals 74, 'Masonic' equals 74, and 'Gematria' equals 74.

The second season released on a date with numerology of 51, 'Conspiracy' equals 51, 'Tinfoil Hat' equals 51, 'Eye of Mind' equals 51 (the third eye), 'Watchful Eye' equals 51, the Illuminati was established on 5/1, its founder was 'Adam Weishaupt', and his name equals 51.

The first season released 191 days before Illuminati's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

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