South Park's "Cupid Ye" S26 E1, Kanye's infamous remark on InfoWars, and Alex Jones

This episode came out 120 days before Kanye West's birthday, 'Kanye West' equals 120, 'Illuminati' equals 120, the episode was about Kanye's anti-semitism, and Hitler died on the 120th day of the year.

It aired on a date with 33 numerology, in the episode, people think Kyle runs 'Hollywood', since he is Jewish, 'Semitic' equals 33, 'Hollywood' equals 33, 'Kanye West' equals 33, 'Holocaust' equals 33, Hitler became dictator in 1933, and let's not forget Kanye's infamous remark on InfoWars, which is hosted by 'Alex Jones' whose name equals 33. Also, since I mentioned the Illuminati, I think it's worth pointing out that it was founded in 'Bavaria, Germany', a phrase equating to 137, and 137 is the 33rd prime number.

The Nazis were financed by the Vatican, the Vatican city-state and obviously controlled opposition puppet Alex Jones share the same birthday on 2/11, and his full name 'Alexander Emerick Jones' equals 211. Anyways, this date is the 42nd day of the year, 'Alex' equals 42, 'InfoWars' equals 42, Kanye made his infamous remark about loving Hitler exactly a span of 42 weeks after Alex Jone's birthday, and Hitler's birthday was on 4/20. In addition, Kanye has said that all black people are the real Jews, 'Blacks' equals 42, 'Slavery' equals 42, and 'Nigger' equals 42. Recall, Jackie Robinson wore #42, and 'Jackie' equals 42.

Interestingly, in South Park, it's 'Cartman' that doesn't like Jews and 'Cartman' is a perfect match with 'Vatican' in the base ciphers (recall that the Jesuits are the military order for the catholic church, which initially formed by Catholics and JEWS joining together to fight against the protestant reformation).

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