Jim Morrison "The Lizard King"

He died a span of 159 days before his birthday and 'Lizard King' equals 159.

He died 207 days after his birthday and 'The Lizard King' equals 207. The Doors had a song called "Celebration of the Lizard King", which released on a date that can be written 20/7, like 207, Jim died at age 27, he was a part of the infamous 27 club, and 'Ritual' equals 27. And as you'll see how this is connected to the 'Jesuits', the latter word also equals 27, along with 'Sun', which the 'Jesuits' have on their logo. The Jesuits where founded in 'Paris', which is where Jim died, 'Paris' equals 27, and the doors first album released 27 days after Jim's birthday.

This song released on the 201st day of the year, the BIG number with the Jesuits as 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201 for just one example, and this song released 20 weeks and 1 day before Jim's birthday.

In addition, this song released 224 days after Jim's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 224, and Jim died 2 months and 24 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.

'Jim Morrison' and 'Jesuit Order' both equal 72, 144, and 153, he died where the Jesuits were founded, Paris, France, and 'Paris, France' equals 56 and 187, just as 'Society of Jesus' does.

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