Furthermore, Quavo released his song "WITHOUT YOU" in tribute to Takeoff a span of 201 days after Takeoff's birthday, this is the big number with the Society of Jesus/Jesuits as 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and interestingly, at the end of this song Quavo says "Take I'm Sorry", indicating some sort of guilt perhaps? In addition, the alleged murderer of Takeoff is 'Patrick Clark', a name that equates to 201.
'Takeoff' died at age 28 in the 28th state, Texas, and 'Takeoff' equals 28 like 'Kill' does. Also, Quavo's "WITHOUT YOU" released on a date with numerology of 28, and 'Deceased' equals 28.
"WITHOUT YOU" released 64 days after 'Takeoff' died, 'Kill' equals 64, 'Migo' equals 64, and 'Takeoff' equals 64 as well. Interestingly, 'Sacrificial Lamb' equals 64 and a sacrificial lamb is an animal or person that is sacrificed for a common good or a greater good.
Takeoff's death is also synced up with the other Migo "Offset" as Takeoff died exactly 46 weeks after Offset's birthday, 'Rap' equals 46, 'Shot' equals 46, 'Sacrifice' equals 46, and 'Houston, Texas' equals 46 (where he was killed). Recall how I was talking about the day Takeoff died being on 'All Hallows' Day', which throughout history, human sacrifices have taken place on, well, 'All Hallows' Day' also equals 46.
On top of that, 46 weeks translates to 322 days, so you could also say that Takeoff died 322 days after Offset's birthday, 322 is the big number of skull and bones, a secret society that has a lot of death symbolism and is also called "The Brotherhood of Death", therefore 322 and death are connected.
You could also say that Takeoff died 43 days before Offset's birthday, 'Murdered' equals 43, 'R.I.P.' equals 43, and 'Killing' equals 43.