The "Constantine" Movie, The New Roman Empire, and The Jesuits

This movie was named after the roman emperor "Constantine", who played a huge part in making Christianity the dominant religion of the roman empire. This movie is 2-hrs. and 1-min. long, which appears as 2:01, the old capital of Rome named after Constantine was 'Constantinople', which equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' (which I'll talk about later) equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201.
The movie released on the 47th day of the year, 'Christian' equals 47, 'Vatican' equals 47, this movie was directed by 'Francis' Lawerence, 'Francis' equals 47, and this movie is centered around the 'Holy Spear' that pierced Jesus at his crucifixion, and 'Holy Spear' equals 47.
This movie released 74-days before the Illuminati's birthday, 'Illuminatus' (singular word of "Illuminati") equals 74, 'Roman Catholicism' equals 74, 'Roman' equals 74, 'The Roman Empire' equals 74, 'Jesus' equals 74, 'Independence Day' equals 74 (of course the birthday of the U.S. is on 7/4), 'New Roman Empire' equals 74, Keanu 'Reeves' was the star of this movie, and 'Reeves' equals 74. In addition, the birthday of the producer of this movie is 7-weeks and 4-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and this film released 7-weeks and 4-days after Christmas.
Remember, the Illuminati and the U.S. were established in the same year 1776, 1776 hours translates to 74-days, and 'Jesus of Nazareth' equals 1776 in Jewish gematria.
This movie released a span of 224-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'The Society of Jesus' equals 224, the producer of this movie was 'Lauren Shuler Donner', whose name equals 224, and the main character in this movie is 'John Constantine' (played by Keanu Reeves), whose name also equals 224.
You could also say this movie released a span of 32-weeks before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Christ' equals 32, and the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays on it.
Lauren Shuler Donner's birthday is on the day leaving 191-days in the year and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.
Her birthday is on the 174th day of the year, with one of her names left out is 'Lauren Diane Donner', which equals 174, 'Number of the Beast' equals 174, and 'New World Order' equals 174 (think about how much Christianity has helped the 'New World Order' flourish).
This movie released 185-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Catholicism' equals 185, and the Vatican became a city-state 185-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday.
This movie released on 2/16, like 216, 'Jesuit-World Order' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers, the Illuminati's birthday is 216-days after the Jesuit order's birthday, and 216 is the product of 6X6X6. Having said this, 'Vatican Hill' equals 666 in English Sumerian, just as 'Mark of Beast' does.

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