The Secret Book of John, Yoko the Demon of Desire, John & Yoko, The Book of Revelation and 666

Mark Chapman was a Christain who didn't like when John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, which was a part of the reason he killed John Lennon. Think about the bible with John the Apostle and the Mark of the Beast, which is represented by the number 666, keep this in mind for later. In some Bibles, this number is written as "Six Hundred Threescore and Six", 'Six-Hundred Threescore Six' (I purposefully removed the "and" to find this connection that I don't think is a coincidence) equals 294, and in other bibles it's written as 'Six-Hundred and Sixty-Six', which also equals 294. Having said this, 'The Catholic Church' equals 294, and John Lennon died a span of 294-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.
You can also say that John Lennon died 293-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday and his killer's full name is 'Mark David Chapman', which equals 293.
John Lennon died 21-weeks and 6-days before his killer's birthday, 6X6X6 equals 216, and 'Book of John' equals 666 in the English Sumerian cipher. In the Secret Book of John, there is a demon mentioned named Yoko (John Lennon's wife's name), and she is a demon of desire, 'Desire Demon' equals 666 in English Sumerian. Yoko is also known as the "Archon of Desire", and 'Archons' equals 666 in Reverse English Sumerian. Humans are carbon-based lifeforms and carbon is made up of 6-protons, 6-neutrons, and 6-electrons, and 'Humanity' equals 666 in English Sumerian. In addition, Carbon is the 6th element on the periodic table, connecting to the 6th day of creation when mankind was made in Genesis, 'Sixth Day of Creation' equals 216, which again, is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Genesis' equals 666 in Reverse English Sumerian.
There is also a figure named John Mark in the bible, 'Saint John Mark' equals 153, like 'Holy Bible', 'The Bible', and 'Jesuit Order' do. Also, 'Saint John Mark' is celebrated on the Jesuit Order's birthday. Having said all this, Mark Chapman killed John Lennon 153-days before his birthday, and 'British Rock Band' equals 153.
John Lennon's birthday is a span of 56-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'The Beatles' equals 56, along with 'Society of Jesus', and Lennon's cause of death was 'Gunshot Wounds', a phrase equating to 56. Also, the last name of his killer is 'Chapman', which equals 56. In revelations (which I'll talk more about soon), John is exiled to the 'Island of Patmos', a phrase equating to 56. To connect another Beatle, George Harrison was born on the 56th day of the year and was attacked with a knife when he was 56. In addition, 'The Beatles' equals 173, which is the 40th prime number, and John Lennon, the first Beatle to die, died at the age of 40, he was also born in 1940, and the number 40 is all over the bible.
In the Secret Book of John, there is a demon mentioned named 'Yoko', who is the 'Demon of Desire', and both the emphasized equal 66, along with 'John the Apostle'. Think about the book of revelation being the 66th book of the bible, which is also called "The Apocalypse of John", this is the last book of the 'New Testament'. a phrase equating to 66 as well. This book tells us the 'Number of the Beast' or the 'Number of a Man', both phrases equal 66, along with 'Mankind', 'Beasts', 'Curse', and 'Bible Worship'. In revelation, the Beast is allowed to rule for 'Forty-Two Months' (which I'll talk more about soon), a phrase also equating to 66. Having said all this, as the Beatles are the most popular 'Rock and Roll' band of all time, 'Rock and Roll' equals 66, John Lennon made his "More Popular than Jesus" comment in 1966, which was known as the 'Bigger than Jesus' controversy, and this phrase also equals 66.
John Lennon was killed exactly a span of 42-weeks before the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to the Beast ruling for 42-months. In addition, 'Mankind', 'Beasts', 'Yoko', 'Book of John', 'New Testament', and 'Jesuit' all equal 42. On top of that, the Book of Revelation is also called the 'Apocalypse of John', a phrase equating to 181, the 42nd prime. Also, John Lennon was from 'Liverpool, England', a location equating to 181, again, the 42nd prime.
Yoko Ono was 47 years old when John Lennon died, 'John', 'Christain', 'Beast', and 'Time' all equal 47. Also, 'John the Baptist' equals 211, the 47th prime
John Lennon died 72-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 72, the Society of Jesus (formal name of the Jesuits) was founded on a date with numerology of 72 (as the date was 8/15/1534, 8+15+15+34=72) in 'Paris', a city name equating to 72, and John died 72-days before Yoko's birthday as well.
John Lennon died exactly 33-weeks after the Queen's birthday, connecting to 'England' (where he was from), 'Bible', 'Sunday', 'Good Book' (which the 'Bible' is also called), and 'New York' (where he was killed). In addition, Jesus died at age 33, and the english translation for the hebrew name of god is 'Jehovah', which equals 33 as well.
Just so you get how thick this biblical ritual is, John Lennon was set up to portray Jesus in this picture below, because he was the most influential Beatle, and was set to be the first one to die. That's why you see him leading the rest while dressed in white, like there are many pictures with Jesus in white, specifically, white linen (like John LENNON) tunics, as this color represents purity/righteousness. Remember, the Society of Jesus runs the show, as they're the ones that operate out of the Catholic Church. That's why this cover was for the Beatle's "Abbey Road" album, which was released on the Pope's birthday (which was one day before the Jesuit Order's birthday as well).
John Lennon made his "More Popular than Jesus" comment on 3/4 in 1966, and not by coincidence 'Jesus', 'Cross', and 'The Beatles' all equal 34. In addition, this comment was the main reason he got murdered by Mark 'Chapman', whose last name equals 34, like 'Murder' does, and 'Mark David Chapman' equals 139, the 34th prime. 
He made this comment 146-days after his birthday and 'Jesus Christ' equals 146.
John Lennon made this comment 67-days before his future killer's birthday, who was a Christain angered by his remark, 'Killer' equals 67, along with 'Mark David Chapman'. In addition, 'Sacrificed', 'Crucifixion', 'Human Sacrifice', and 'Blood Sacrifice' all equal 67. Whether figuratively or literally, it's said that celebrities sell their souls at the 'Crossroads', which also equals 67.
John was 25 years old when he made this comment, 'Gospel' (think about all the biblical connections), 'Lennon', 'Death', and 'R.I.P.' all equal 25, and 'Death' also equals 97, the 25th prime. On top of that, 'The Beatles' equals 97, and 'The Book of Revelation' (again, think about all the biblical connections) equals 97, again, the 25th prime.

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