Death of Osho or Rajneesh, More On The Death of Kurt Cobain, and their connections to Buddhism

Osho held his Master's Day during the days at Rajneeshpuram (Osho's Ranch) on July 6th or 7/6, this date is fitting because "Master" and "Rajneeshpuram" both equal 76. The term "Master Number"=76, this is important because Osho was born on December 11th, emphasis on 11, which is the first master number. Also, he was an "Indian Mystic"=76. The Netflix documentary about Rajneeshpuram is called 'Wild Wild Country'=77 and the Rajneeshees (Osho's followers) were said to be responsible for a "Salad Bar Poisoning"=77. Before Osho became his name, he was commonly called Rajneesh, who was known as a spiritual leader. He talked a lot about Buddhist teachings and stories about Buddha himself. With that given information, it's funny that "Rajneesh" and "Buddhism" are a perfect match in the four base ciphers. Both terms equal 80, 35, 136, and 46, but I wanna focus only on the numbers 80 and 35. These numbers connect directly to the story of Buddha, as he was said to die at the age of 80 and achieve enlightenment at the age of 35. Now to 136, as both "Rajneesh" and "Buddhism" equal 136. Buddha said that another Buddha would come 25 Centuries after him and "25 Centuries"=136. On top of that, the date 'Wild Wild Country' came out was "March 16th, 2018"=136. Going back to Rajneeshpuram celebrating Master's Day on July 6th, this is the 187th day of the year in non-leap years, and "Rajneesh Movement"=187. Osho's death date was 2 months and 20 days before the date that Buddha's birthday is celebrated. This is important because "Buddha"=22 and as we mentioned a master number earlier, 22 is the second master number, and "Master"=22. Osho was known as a "Guru"=22. On top of that, Osho's death date was 220 months before the date that Kurt Cobain's body was found. For the cherry on top, Kurt Cobain's birthday is on February 20th, which is written 2/20, and again connecting to "Buddha"=22. A movie called 'Little Buddha' came out on the day leaving 220 days left in the year. Kurt's first and last name with his middle initial is "Kurt D. Cobain" and 'Little Buddha' match in 3/4 base ciphers. In the 'Wild Wild Country' documentary, Ma Anand Sheela is portrayed as the leader in operating Rajneeshpuram. I bring her up because her birthday in 1990 came 11 months and 9 days after Osho died on 1/19 in the same year. This also connects to Kurt Cobain's body being found 1 month and 19 days after his birthday. Also, another connection between Osho and Kurt Cobain is that their birthdates, "December 11th" and "February 20th" both equal 54, which connects to Cobain's death date on April 5th, which can be written 5/4. And to go back to Buddha saying that there would be another Buddha coming 25 Centuries after him, it has indeed been 25 Centuries after him. I believe this to be a key factor in why there are these Buddhism connections to Osho/Rajneesh and Kurt Cobain, because of the fact that their lives came around 25 Centuries after Buddha's death.

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