Afeni Shakur died at age 69 on May 2nd, 2016. Keep in mind that Afeni Shakur died at age 69. She was a member of the black panther party and the term "black panther"=69. Her full name, "Afeni Shakur Davis"=69.
Keep in mind that the date she died on is written 5/2. Like I said, she died at age 69 and the phrase "dead at 69"=52. She died due to a heart attack and the word "Heart"=52. She died in California and "California"=52. She died in a hospital in Greenbrae, CA and "Greenbrae, CA"=52. She was African-American and the word "African"=52. Her son Tupac made a song called "Dear Mama", of course, this song was in tribute to her, "Dear Mama"=52, and it released on the 52nd day of the year. The phrase "faked death"=52. "BLM" stands for "Black Lives Matter", and 'BLM'=52 in Jewish gematria. Her son's full name 'Tupac Amaru Shakur' equals 239, which is the 52nd prime.

Update on 7/18/22: 'Afeni Shakur' died 113-days after her birthday and 'Afeni Shakur' equals 113, this is the number of falsehood, this is more evidence suggesting that she did not really die on this day. The Black Panther Party was founded 113-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday, 'Scottish' equals 113 (as in scottish rite masonry), 'Black and White' equals 113 and 1103 in Jewish gematria, how perfect for a race war of the blacks and whites, of course, the 'Black and White' checkerboard is masonic symbolism. On top of that, she died a span of 113-days before the date Huey P. Newton died on in history, who was the co-founder of the black panther party, 'African American History' equals 113, and interestingly, he died 113-days before the Illuminati's birthday.
According to many sources, the CIA infiltrated the Black Panther Party, and Afeni died 139-days before the CIA's birthday, 'Freemasonry' equals 139, 'African American History' equals 139, 'Tupac Shakur' equals 139, and he died on 13/9.
The Black Panther movie released 259-days before the Black Panther Party's birthday, it also released 259-days after the Boule's birthday, which is a black fraternity, and 'Black Lives Matter' equals 259.
The black panther movie released 106-days after the Black Panther Party's birthday, 'Black' equals 106, 'Black Power' equals 106, 'Black Lives Matter' equals 106, the other co-founder of the black panther party was 'Bobby Seale', whose name equals 577 in Jewish gematria, and this number is the 106th prime. In addition, the Black Panther Party was founded in 'Oakland, California', a location equating to 106, and the Black Panther movie released 106-days before the Boule's birthday.
Afeni died a span of 201-days after the day in history the Black Panther Party was founded, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. The movie "Black Panther" released a span of 201-days after the birthday of Black Lives Matter.
Huey P. Newton died 59-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday, BLM was established 59-days before the Boule was founded, the last day of Black History Month is on the 59th day of the year, and 'Huey', 'Darky', 'Negro', 'Jigaboo', 'Slave', 'Blues', 'Rasta', 'Rastafarianism', 'Chadwick Boseman', and 'Freemasonry' all equal 59.
Chadwick Boseman died a span of 213-days after the anniversary of the release of 'Black Panther', a title that equates to 213, and 'Black History Month' equals 213.