George Orwell's books '1984' & 'Animal Farm' connect to The Jesuits/The Roman Catholic Church

The novels '1984' and 'Animal Farm' was written by an author named George Orwell. The book '1984' was published on June 8th or 6/8, which is 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Catholicism'=68, and the book begins on the date "April 4th, 1984"=68. George Orwell made an article called "You and the Atom Bomb"=68. Keep in mind that "Catholic"=46. George Orwell died at age 46, both "Forty-Six" and "46 years old" equals 46. He was known for being a "Novelist"=46. It's said that Orwell predicted "The Cold War"=46. One of the main slogans in '1984' is "War is Peace"=46. The Inner Party in '1984' is an "Oligarchy"=46. In '1984' a word that is used a lot to describe which department someone works for is "Ministry"=46. As the word "Ministry" refers to "Religion"=46. Both "Ministry" and "Religion" have the same gematria, as their numbers are 46, 53, 89, & 127. What else equals 127? Another slogan in '1984' that is constantly used is "Big Brother is Watching You"=127. Just like "Bavarian Illuminati"=127. George Orwell died when he was "46-years-old"=127. The first half of the first sentence in '1984' is "It was a bright cold day in April,"=127. Another phrase repeated throughout the book is "Down With Big Brother"=220, 103, & 266, just like "Nineteen-Eighty-Four"=220, 103, & 266. A big topic in '1984' is "Thoughtcrime"=177, just like "New World Order"=177. And of course as the "New World Order" is "The Jesuit Order"=177. Orwell died in England on January 21st, 1950, "England" and "January 21st, 1950" both equal 132. "Roman Catholic"=132. As I stated earlier that Orwell predicted The Cold War, keep in mind that The Cold War lasted 44 years. The book '1984' starts on April 4th, which can be written 4/4 and it's about a "Dystopia"=44. Described on the first page of the book is "Vile Wind"=44. The book is called '1984', because it's pointing the finger at "The Jesuit Order"=84. Also, Orwell was said to be a member of the Fabian Society (Society of British Socialists) that was established in 1884. "Jesuit" and "United States of America" both equal 84. As the Jesuits form an Apostolic Ministry, they preach to people to be sheep for their Savior. "Apostolic Ministry" and "Savior" both equal 84.  Also "Jesuit"=84, 78, & 42, just like "Savior"=84, 78, & 42. 'Animal Farm' is another book by George Orwell, which was published on "August 17th, 1945"=144. In this book, there is an anthem that the Animals sing called "Beasts of England"=144. "The United States of America" and "Jesuit Order" both equal 144. The Jesuit Order is said to operate in 112 nations and 'Catholicism'=112. 'Animal Farm' has 112 pages. To go back to '1984', in the book the word "Victory" is used as a brand name, and "Victory"=112. (For Example: Victory Gin, Victory Cigarettes, and Victory Mansions.) 'George Orwell' equals 1229 in Jewish gematria, 1229 is the 201st prime number, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. The number 201 is HUGE with the Jesuits, just read some of my other posts, and you will see this.

The Colonial Pipeline Hack/Gas Shortages provided by The Jesuits/The Roman Catholic Church

The Colonial Pipeline Hack occurred on May 7th, 2021, at first it affected the Pelham, Alabama area with gas shortages. These gas shortages spread throughout the South East soon after. The Mainstream Media says the attack was caused by a group of Russian Hackers called Ransomware and "Ransomware"=143. This attack was 143 days before the anniversary of the Jesuit order being established. Within the Ransomware group is a smaller group of hackers called DarkSide, who was responsible for the pipeline hack. "DarkSide"=71,35,&145, just like "Catholic"=71,35,&145. Also both "Hacker" and "Catholic"=35&46.  This Ransomware Attack occurred on 5/7 and "Ransomware Attack"=57. Ransomware is a Russian Hacker group and "Russian Hacker"=57. A news site called made a post on the attack as the headline read "Colonial Pipeline attack: A 'wake up call' about the threat of ransomware". Notice how they put the phrase 'wake up call' in quotes, that's because "Wake Up Call"=57. Keep in mind that the mirror number of 57 is 75. The terms "Russia", "Hacker Gang", "Ransomware Hackers", "Gas Shortage Hype", "Order Out of Chaos" and "New World Order" all equal 75. The Founder of the Illuminati, "Adam Weishaupt"=75. The Ransomware hack occurred on was the 127th day of the year and "Ransomware"=127. The Mainstream Media hyped up the fact that the hack caused gas shortages and "Simulated Gas Shortage Hype"=127. Both "Roman Empire" and "Bavarian Illuminati"=127. Ultimately the leaders of the most powerful religion in the world (being Catholicism) indirectly simulated this hack/gas shortage and "Religion" equals 127. Also, the Colonial Pipeline Company is headquartered in Georgia and "Georgia"=127.  "Illuminati" and "Gas Shortage" both equal 120 & 48. The terms "Simulated Gas Shortage", "Ransom", "May 7th, 2021", "Bavarian Illuminati" (full name of the Illuminati), and "Roman Catholic Rule" all equal 80. The words "Catholic", "Religion", "Ransomware", and "Chaos" all equal 46. A Latin term used/invented by The Scottish Rite Freemasons is "Ordo ab Chao" which equals 46. "Ordo ab Chao", "Bavarian Illuminati" and "Roman Catholic Rule" all equal 188. "Mainstream Gas Shortage Hype" and "Hacker" both equal 116. "Gas Shortage Hype" and "New World Order" both equal 174. Also "New World Order", "The Jesuit Order", and "Gas Shortage" all equal 177. "Fuel Shortage" and "Society of Jesus" both equal 56 & 187. The Colonial Pipeline hack reportedly affected Pelham, Alabama first, "Pelham, Alabama"=86 & 265 and "Colonial Pipeline"=86 & 265. The English term for Ordo ab Chao is "Order Out Of Chaos" which equals 222, just like "Ransomware Gang"=222. The Hack occurred 32 weeks before the Pope's birthday and (referring to the Illuminati) "Bavarian"=32. Pope Francis is the first Pope to be a Jesuit and the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays. This hack that caused gas shortages occurred 224 days before the Pope's birthday and "Simulated Gas Shortage"=224. Ransomware is a Russian Hacker Group and "Russian Hacker Group"=224. To go back to, they made another post on the Colonial Pipeline attack that shows an image that says "System Hacked". "System Hacked"=133 and "Government"=133. "System Hacked" also equals 191 and "Society of Jesus"=191. That same image from the post shows 48% as well. The Pipeline hack was caused by a hacker gang based out of Russia, "Hacker Gang" and "Russia" both equal 48. Also the terms "Gas Shortage" and "Illuminati" equal 48. The number 48 spelled out is "Forty Eight", which equals 137. "Government", "Authority", and "Fuel Shortage" all equal 137. "Forty Eight" and "Government" actually match in 3/4 of the base ciphers, so I think (the image showing 48% in) the post from is hinting at the Government's (and the Illuminati's) involvement in the Colonial Pipeline hack. As I think this hack was directly caused by The Illuminati, the Government is definitely involved as well but ultimately it was caused by The Jesuits. Basically what I'm saying is, The Jesuits ordered the Illuminati to hack the Colonial Pipeline when and where they did to fulfill this numerical ritual (and obviously the Government had some type of involvement in it).

Death of DMX, his Posthumous Album 'Exodus' and his Jesus Christ Connections

The rapper DMX died at age 50 on April 9th 2021 due to having a heart attack. His heart attack was said to be caused by a drug overdose. His heart attack actually happened on April 2nd, but he was rushed to the hospital where lived for around seven more days until he died. He died on the 99th day of the year, which was on a Friday and "Friday"=99. Keep in mind that DMX died at the age of 50. The phrase "50 years old"=50. The date he was hospitalized on, "April 2nd, 2021"=50. DMX has a posthumous album coming out and it's being produced by Swizz Beatz. The name "Swizz Beatz"=50. Keep in mind that DMX died on 4/9. His posthumous album is coming out on 5/28/2021, which is 49 days after the day he died on. D.M.X. stands for "Dark Man X" which equals 49. The day that DMX was hospitalized on was Good Friday, which is the Christian Holiday that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death. This of course lines up perfect considering DMX was known for being a devout Christian and the fact that "Good Friday"=49 as well. made a post on his death that stated he was 'A Warrior' because he fought until his death and 'A Warrior'=49. Back to DMX's posthumous album being produced by Swizz Beatz, both "posthumous" and "Swizz Beatz"=49. The name of his posthumous album is Exodus and it's coming out on 5/28/2021. This date has numerology of 74 as 5+28+20+21=74 and the album name "Exodus"=74. Following his death, he was hospitalized on a Christian Holiday and "Holiday"=74. A devout Christian being Rapper DMX, was hospitalized on a holiday that commemorates Jesus Christ, and "Rapper", "Jesus", 'Black Christ', and "Jesus Christ" all equal 74. More than likely, DMX was killed to fulfill this numerical ritual as "Killing"=74. Yes, this is another celebrity/death that connects to Jesus Christ. 

Update on 7/20/22: DMX was hospitalized 56-days before his posthumous album came out and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56.

Famous black rappers are always dying in Jesus rituals because the bible describes Jesus as having bronze skin and hair of wool, this is why DMX died a span of 106-days after Christmas, and 'Black Christ', 'Enoch' (the prophet who some say was black), 'Prophecy', and 'Black Lives Matter' all equal 106.

Death of Afeni Shakur (Tupac Shakur's Mom), The Black Panther Party, the "Black Panther" movie, and The Boule

Afeni Shakur died at age 69 on May 2nd, 2016. Keep in mind that Afeni Shakur died at age 69. She was a member of the black panther party and the term "black panther"=69. Her full name, "Afeni Shakur Davis"=69

Keep in mind that the date she died on is written 5/2. Like I said, she died at age 69 and the phrase "dead at 69"=52. She died due to a heart attack and the word "Heart"=52. She died in California and "California"=52. She died in a hospital in Greenbrae, CA and "Greenbrae, CA"=52. She was African-American and the word "African"=52. Her son Tupac made a song called "Dear Mama", of course, this song was in tribute to her, "Dear Mama"=52, and it released on the 52nd day of the year. The phrase "faked death"=52. "BLM" stands for "Black Lives Matter", and 'BLM'=52 in Jewish gematria. Her son's full name 'Tupac Amaru Shakur' equals 239, which is the 52nd prime.

Update on 7/18/22: 'Afeni Shakur' died 113-days after her birthday and 'Afeni Shakur' equals 113, this is the number of falsehood, this is more evidence suggesting that she did not really die on this day. The Black Panther Party was founded 113-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday, 'Scottish' equals 113 (as in scottish rite masonry), 'Black and White' equals 113 and 1103 in Jewish gematria, how perfect for a race war of the blacks and whites, of course, the 'Black and White' checkerboard is masonic symbolism. On top of that, she died a span of 113-days before the date Huey P. Newton died on in history, who was the co-founder of the black panther party, 'African American History' equals 113, and interestingly, he died 113-days before the Illuminati's birthday.

According to many sources, the CIA infiltrated the Black Panther Party, and Afeni died 139-days before the CIA's birthday, 'Freemasonry' equals 139, 'African American History' equals 139, 'Tupac Shakur' equals 139, and he died on 13/9.

The Black Panther movie released 259-days before the Black Panther Party's birthday, it also released 259-days after the Boule's birthday, which is a black fraternity, and 'Black Lives Matter' equals 259.

The black panther movie released 106-days after the Black Panther Party's birthday, 'Black' equals 106, 'Black Power' equals 106, 'Black Lives Matter' equals 106, the other co-founder of the black panther party was 'Bobby Seale', whose name equals 577 in Jewish gematria, and this number is the 106th prime. In addition, the Black Panther Party was founded in 'Oakland, California', a location equating to 106, and the Black Panther movie released 106-days before the Boule's birthday.

Afeni died a span of 201-days after the day in history the Black Panther Party was founded, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. The movie "Black Panther" released a span of 201-days after the birthday of Black Lives Matter.

Huey P. Newton died 59-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday, BLM was established 59-days before the Boule was founded, the last day of Black History Month is on the 59th day of the year, and 'Huey', 'Darky', 'Negro', 'Jigaboo', 'Slave', 'Blues', 'Rasta', 'Rastafarianism', 'Chadwick Boseman', and 'Freemasonry' all equal 59. 

Chadwick Boseman died a span of 213-days after the anniversary of the release of 'Black Panther', a title that equates to 213, and 'Black History Month' equals 213.

Cinco de Mayo and The Mexican War of Independence show that Mexico is controlled by the Jesuits

Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the Mexican Army's victory over France in the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. These phrases, "Battle of Puebla" and "Victory over France" both equal 240. This is important because Cinco de Mayo is on the date that leaves 240 days in the year. There is a book named "Art of War" that is centered around military strategy. The terms "Art of War" and "Military Strategy" both equal 102 and Cinco de Mayo is 102 days before the anniversary of the founding of The Society of Jesus. Mexico is currently the 2nd Largest Catholic Nation in the world and "2nd Largest Catholic Nation"=102. Cinco de Mayo is on May 5th, the date written 5/5 and the term "Cinco de Mayo"=55. Mexico is ruled by Catholics and "Catholic Rule"=55. The Jesuit Order is a so-called Catholic Order, when really it's a Satanic Order. That's why the terms "Satanic Order" and "Satan" both equal 55. The terms "Catholic Rule" and "Satanic Order" match in 3 out of the 4 base cyphers, as both terms equal 127, 55, and 197. Yes, The Catholic Church is really The Church of Satan. The day the Jesuit Order was established is on 9/27, which is 145 days after Cinco de Mayo. As I stated, Mexico is a Catholic nation and the word "Catholic"=145. The Mexican War of Independence began on 9/16/1810, this date is considered to be Mexico's Independence Day and (to go back to the 55 connections) the word "Independence"=55 as well. The Mexican War of Independence ended on 9/27/1821 (the date that Mexico's Independence was achieved), which is the anniversary of the day that the Jesuit Order was established. 

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