Death of Charles Manson, his Jesus Christ Connections, and the death of his Mother

Charles Manson died on 11/19/2017, which is a date with 47 numerology as 11+19+17=47. As I stated, my theory is that he was framed (for being responsible for the murders that his "family" committed) and "framed"=47 E.O. Manson died at a hospital in Kern County and "Kern County"=47 F.R. Kern County is the County that the city of Bakersfield is in. Bakersfield, California is where Manson died, and "Bakersfield"=47 F.R. Charles Manson the "Hippie Cult Leader", who was held responsible for the 9 murders that his "family" committed, died at 83 years old. "Murder"=83 R.O, "Hippie Cult Leader"=83 F.R, and "83 years old"=47 F.R. Again here goes the number 47, the number that I showed at the beginning of this post, and how it connects to Manson's death. Manson was claimed to be responsible for the murder of Sharon Tate on 8/8/1969, which is the day that left 145 days in the year, and "Tate Murder"= 145 R.O. This "murder" was just one of the countless events orchestrated by the Jesuits who serve the Catholic Church and of course "Catholic"=145 R.O, just like "Tate Murder"=145 R.O. The Jesuits/Catholic Church are connected to the number 201 as "The Jesuit Order=201 R.O. and as the ruler of Vatican City (who is also the head of the most powerful church in the world) being the "Catholic Pope" which equals 201 R.O. Also the terms "Catholic Pope" and "The Holy Bible" are a perfect match in all four of the base ciphers in gematria, now you should know who rules the world. At birth, Charles Manson was named "No Name Maddox", which equals 201 R.O, 123 E.O, and 57 R.F.R. Having said this, "The Holy Bible"=201 R.O, 123 E.O, and 57 R.F.R. This is no doubt a biblical connection as "No Name Maddox" and "The Holy Bible" match in 3/4 base ciphers in gematria. The term "Death of Charles Manson" also equals 201 E.O. All this is important because Manson has been portrayed as a Jesus-Like figure by the media and this biblical connection ties in with Jesus. "Jesus Savior of Mankind"= 83 F.R. and again Manson died at 83 years old. Now to the Jesus connections and keep in mind that 47 (the number we were talking about in the beginning) is the mirror number of 74. Manson allegedly claimed to be the "Reincarnation of Jesus Christ" and "Jesus", "Charles Manson", "Portray Jesus", "Independence Day" (remember that Independence Day for the United States is on 7/4), "Christmas Eve", "Mary the Virgin" and "Jesus Christ" all equal 74 in one of the four base ciphers in gematria. Also for those who don't know "Cross", "Parables", "Gospel",  "English" and even "Gematria"=74 E.O. Charles Manson's death date also has numerology of 67, as 11+19+20+17=67. "Human Sacrifice" and "Blood Sacrifice" both equal 86 R.F.R. and 67 F.R. Also "Sacrificed" and "Crucifixion" both equal 67 R.F.R, like Jesus Christ was a human/blood sacrifice by being crucified. This proves that Charles Manson had some biblical connections by the planning of the Jesuits/Catholic Church.

Update on 7/17/22

Charles Manson's mother died 201-days after her birthday, again, Charles Manson was named 'No Name Maddox' at birth, a name equating to 201, connecting to 'The Jesuit Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Freemasonic Order'.

She died on the day leaving 153-days in the year, the day in history that the founder of the Jesuits died on, his name was 'Ignatius of Loyola', a name equating to 1053 in Jewish gematria, 'Jesuit Order' equals 153, and 'The Illuminati' equals 153.

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