Joe Biden's/J.F.K.'s connection to Presidents' Day of 2021

Joe Biden is the 46th president of the United States and he is Catholic. He is the 2nd Catholic President of the United States as John F. Kennedy was the first. "Catholic"=46 R.F.R, "Joe R. Biden"=46 F.R., and "John Kennedy"=46 R.F.R. John Kennedy died at age 46, and the 46th day of 2021 was President's Day and on that day was (and still is) in the time of President Joe Biden. What are the chances of Mr. 46 (Joe Biden who connects to J.F.K.) being the president on the first Presidents' Day of his presidency and that day is the 46th day of the year? 

Also to top it all off, Presidents' Day of 2021 was on February 15th or 2/15. This date can be written 2/15 or 15/2 and "Joe Biden"=152 R.O. Also I mentioned John F. Kennedy earlier because he and Joe Biden are connected, as I showed earlier. They are connected because history repeats by this code!

The Infamous Assassination of John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy or J.F.K. was the 35th president of the United States and was assassinated on 11/22/1963. John F. Kennedy was the first Irish-Catholic President of the U.S. and "Irish-Catholic President"=118 F.R. JFK was assassinated in Dallas Texas and "Dallas, Texas"=118 E.O. That's important because "death" and "homicide" in the Jewish cipher both equal 118. He was also a Gemini (an astrological sign) and "Gemini Assassinated"=118 R.F.R. 

The date JFK died has numerology of 115 as 11+22+19+63=115. He was the "thirty-fifth president"=115 F.R. JFK was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, and "Brookline, MA"=115 E.O. 

John Kennedy was the first catholic president of the U.S, who died at age 46. "John Kennedy"=46 R.F.R, "Catholic"=46 R.F.R., and he was also a democratic president and "democratic"=46 F.R. 

After the JFK assassination in 1963, other members of The Kennedy Family started dropping like flies. Coincidence? No it's because they knew the truth about JFK's scripted assassination and the government didn't want the truth to leak out. Because of the premature deaths in The Kennedy Family, the phrase "Kennedy Curse" circulated in the media every time a member of The Kennedy Family died. "Kennedy Curse"=63 R.F.R and "Kennedy Family"=63 R.F.R. (and in F.R.) and this supposed family curse became apparent starting with the infamous JFK assassination in 1963. Also The Kennedy Family originated from Ireland and "Irish"=63 E.O. The day that John F. Kennedy died on was a Friday and "Friday"=63 E.O. The limousine that JFK was riding in when he got assassinated was called the "SS-100-X" by the U.S. Secret Service. The Secret Service used "SS-100-X" as a code name for the presidential limousine and "SS-100-X"=63 E.O.

And would you believe the phrase 'JFK Assassination' equals 1122 in English Sumerian gematria, obviously connecting to the infamous date of his assassination on 11/22.

Death of Mac Miller, his song "Self Care", posts about his Death, and More

Malcolm McCormick a.k.a. Mac Miller was born in a neighborhood called Point Breeze, which is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mac Miller died on 9/7/2018, which is a date with 34 and 54 numerology. As 9+7+18=34 and 9+7+20+18=54.  Like I stated earlier he was born in a neighborhood called "Point Breeze"=54 R.F.R. and his death date has numerology of 54.

"Pittsburgh, PA" and "Mac Miller" both equal 58(F.R. and R.F.R.) and 157(E.O. and R.O.). His real name, "Malcolm McCormick"=157. In his "Self Care" music video he can be seen in a coffin punching a spot that reads "Memento Mori"=157/58, just like "Mac Miller" does. 

"Memento Mori" is Latin for "remember you must die". Mac has a tattoo that reads "MCMXCII", which has the exact same gematria as "Killing". Both terms equal 115 R.O. and the date he died on left 115 days in the year. released a post about Mac Miller's death on 11/5/2018, which has date numerology of 34 and 54 just like Mac Miller's death date does (recall those connections at the very top). This post was released at 11:05 a.m. on 11/5 and the day Mac Miller died on left 115 days in the year. posted about Mac Miller's death, in which they stated that the L.A.P.D. said that they were going to investigate a death around 11:50 a.m. then stated that the L.A.P.D. would not say it was Mac Miller's death they were investigating. Other sources are more exact in saying that Mac died at 11:51 a.m. Mac's toxicology report was released on 11/5. It was reported that the night before his death he was with friends watching "NFL Football"=115. "Rest In Peace"=115

It's said that one of the drugs he overdosed on is "Fentanyl"=97. "Death"=97 and he died on 9/7. The production of Mac's final studio album "Circles" was completed by "Jon Brion"=97

His death-themed song "Self Care"=69/33, just like "People", "Drug O.D.", and "Circles" all equal 69/33. To fulfill this numerical ritual, Mac could've been poisoned with "Arsenic"=69/33. Arsenic is the 33rd element on the periodic table. "Circles" and "Arsenic" have the exact same gematria. From his last birthday (1/19) to his death date (9/7) is a span of 33 weeks or 231 days. The English translation for "Memento Mori" is "Remember you Must Die"=231. He died by overdosing, but specifically from going into "Cardiac Arrest"=231. His Ex-Girlfriend, "Ariana Grande"=231

Mac died in Studio City, Los Angeles, CA, which has a latitude of 34 degrees. His death date has numerology of 34. "Fentanyl", "Rapper", and "Murder" all equal 34. As I stated he could've been poisoned to fulfill this numerical ritual, and "Poison"=34. Studio City has a longitude of -118 degrees. "Homicide" and "Death" in the Jewish cipher of gematria, both equal 118

From the day his album "Swimming" was released to his death date is a span of 5 weeks and "Self Care" is the 5th song on the album. One of the lines in the lyrics of "Self Care" is "So like September I Fall" and he died in September. From the day of his death to the release of his toxicology report is a span of 8 weeks and 3 days. "Football" and "Eagles vs. Falcons" both equal 83. His album "Swimming" came out on 8/3 and "Murder"=83

"Swimming"=44, just like "August 3rd, 2018"=44. "Kill"=44. 

"Malcolm James McCormick" and "Murder" both equal 79. Mac's death date can be written 7/9 and 'Society of Jesus' equals 79. This is significant because his death connects heavily to the Jesuits, as he put out a song under his other rap name Delusional Thomas called "The Jesuits". This song was released 79-days before his 22nd birthday as well, and 79 is the 22nd prime number, ‘Jesuits’ equals 22. On top of all that, this song was released a span of 79-days after the birthday of the 'Society of Jesus’.

Arsenic has an atomic weight of 74.9216
Arsenic is the 33rd element on the periodic table.

Death of Capital Steez and his Jesus Christ/Biblical Connections

Capital Steez died on 12/24/2012, by allegedly committing suicide. He used Twitter to tweet "The End" on 12/23/12 at 11:59 p.m. (I think according to New York's time zone) "Tweet"=19 F.R. and he died at age 19.

Capital Steez was fascinated with the number 47 because he thought it was the perfect expression for balance in the world. He believed in the Chakra System and as the 4th chakra is the heart chakra and the 7th chakra the crown chakra, this is where his fixation with the number 47 came from. "Chakras"=47 R.F.R, "Capital Steez"=47 F.R, and the date his "The End" tweet was posted on has numerology of 47. As that date was 12/23/12 and 12+23+12=47. At 19 years old he died by committing suicide, "dead at 19" and "suicide" both equal 47 R.F.R. Steez was born in Brooklyn, NY, and "Brooklyn, NY"=47 R.F.R. Remember this for later, but tower seven of the World Trade Center was 47-stories tall, recall this when we talk about the World Trade Center as this will make sense later. 

His last message to the world before he died ("The End") was posted on Twitter and "Twitter"=47 R.F.R (the reflection of 74), "Twitter" also equals 74 R.O. Capital Steez was a Rapper from Brooklyn, New York, "Rapper"=74 E.O. and "Brooklyn, New York"=74 R.F.R. His real first and last name was "Courtney Dewar Jr."=74 F.R. This is where the Jesus Christ connections come in (also keep in mind that 74 is the mirror number of 47 and 47 is the mirror number of 74), as "Jesus"=74 E.O, "Cross"=74 E.O, "Parables"=74 E.O, "Gospel"=74 E.O, "English"=74 E.O, "Mary the Virgin"=74 R.F.R, "Black Christ"=74 R.F.R. and "Jesus Christ"=74 R.F.R. Capital Steez died on Christmas Eve and "Christmas Eve"=74 R.F.R. He died by jumping off of a building and reportedly had a Bible strapped to his chest.

 To go back to the date of his last tweet, it also has numerology of 67 as 12+23+20+12=67. "Blood Sacrifice" and "Human Sacrifice" both equal 67 F.R, also "Sacrificed" and "Crucifixion" both equal 67 R.F.R. It's believed that "Three Stakes" were used to crucify Jesus, and "Three Stakes"=67. The day Pro Era released their "PEEP: The aPROcalypse" mixtape was "December 21st, 2012"=67. The song he's known for is 'Free the Robots' and its music video came out a span of 67-days after his birthday. The prime number of 67 is 19 and he died at the age of 19. 

He died in his 20th year of life and "Cross"=20. A cross looks like a lowercase "t", which is the 20th letter in the alphabet. "R.I.P" and "Death" both equal 20. 

Steez's last tweet reads "The End"=106. "Prophecy"=106. He was "Black"=106 and "Black Christ"=106. Also, the song he's known for is 'Free the Robots', its music video released on 9/11, a span of 106-days before Christmas, and 9/11 is believed to be the real birthday of Jesus by Coptic Christians (that's why 9/11 was a big Jesus ritual, read "Number Games: 9/11 to Coronavirus" by Zachary K. Hubbard). Pro Era released their mixtape "PEEP: The aPROcalypse" three days before Steez died. It's said that Christ resurrected on the 3rd day of his death. In Matthew 12:40, Jesus says "For as Jonas was three days and nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" and "Matthew 12:40"=106. Also, some think that Steez's best friend Joey Bada$$ had something to do with his death, and Joey Bada$$'s real full name is "Jo-Vaughn Virginie Scott"=106. 

This proves that Capital Steez was connected to "Jesus Christ" by the numbers, in which he was sacrificed by the numbers. Now, some of this is what I believe to be the organic side of (gematria) this topic, so remember that Steez's b-day is on 7/7. "Christ"=77, just like "Sacrificed" does. He committed suicide by jumping off the Cinematic Music Group's building, "Cinematic"=77. If you take a cube and open it up until it's 2D, it creates a cross. "Cube"=77. Steez was born the same year that the World Trade Center Bombing occurred and "World Trade Center"=77. The World Trade Center's are in N.Y, the biggest city in the "United States"=77. Steez was known for speaking the truth and you could say that he exposed the "Matrix"=77. Pro Era released a mixtape three days before Steez died and Christ resurrected on his 3rd day of being dead. In Matthew 12:40, Jesus says "For as Jonas was three days and nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth". "Heart of The Earth"=77. 

From the day of the World Trade Center Bombing in 93' to Steez's birth date is 131 days later. "World Trade Center Bombing"=131. This happened in Manhattan, N.Y, which is also where Steez committed suicide. "Manhattan, N.Y."=131. As Steez's death was a Jesus ritual, "crucifixion"=131. It's believed that three nails or stakes were used to crucify Jesus and "three stakes"=131. Furthermore, 131 is the 32nd prime number, 'Christ' equals 32, and the Society of JESUS has 32-sun rays on their logo.

It seems like his life was connected to this infamous event organically. There are more seemingly organic connections, Steez was born the same year that this bombing on the world trade center occurred (in 1993). "God's Son"=93. He was known for being very conscious and "Christ Conscious"=93, even his friend Joey Bada$$ has a song called "Christ Conscious". He committed suicide by jumping off the building owned by the "Cinematic Music Group"=93. "Crucifix" and "Nazareth" equal 93. The song he's known for is "Free the Robots" and its music video came out 9-weeks and 3-days after his birthday. The belief that three nails were used to crucify Jesus is called "Triclavianism"=93.

"Triclavianism" also equals 201. As these Jesus/Biblical connections stem from the Jesuits/The Roman Catholic Church, "The Jesuit Order"=201. The full name of Pro Era which Capital Steez founded, is "Progressive Era"=201. "Progressive Era" and "The Jesuit Order" match in 3/4 of the base ciphers. Another member of Pro Era is named Joey Bada$$, which was Steez's best friend. Joey's b-day is 1/20, which can be written 20/1. 

Capital Steez's most popular song 'Free the Robots' equals 66, in Jewish gematria, 'Biblical' equals 66, and this song came out 66-days after his birthday. This is the number connecting to the 'Number of the Beast', 'New Testament', and 'Number of a Man'. Also, Revelation is the 66th book of the bible (which is a part of the new testament).

Death of Charles Manson, his Jesus Christ Connections, and the death of his Mother

Charles Manson died on 11/19/2017, which is a date with 47 numerology as 11+19+17=47. As I stated, my theory is that he was framed (for being responsible for the murders that his "family" committed) and "framed"=47 E.O. Manson died at a hospital in Kern County and "Kern County"=47 F.R. Kern County is the County that the city of Bakersfield is in. Bakersfield, California is where Manson died, and "Bakersfield"=47 F.R. Charles Manson the "Hippie Cult Leader", who was held responsible for the 9 murders that his "family" committed, died at 83 years old. "Murder"=83 R.O, "Hippie Cult Leader"=83 F.R, and "83 years old"=47 F.R. Again here goes the number 47, the number that I showed at the beginning of this post, and how it connects to Manson's death. Manson was claimed to be responsible for the murder of Sharon Tate on 8/8/1969, which is the day that left 145 days in the year, and "Tate Murder"= 145 R.O. This "murder" was just one of the countless events orchestrated by the Jesuits who serve the Catholic Church and of course "Catholic"=145 R.O, just like "Tate Murder"=145 R.O. The Jesuits/Catholic Church are connected to the number 201 as "The Jesuit Order=201 R.O. and as the ruler of Vatican City (who is also the head of the most powerful church in the world) being the "Catholic Pope" which equals 201 R.O. Also the terms "Catholic Pope" and "The Holy Bible" are a perfect match in all four of the base ciphers in gematria, now you should know who rules the world. At birth, Charles Manson was named "No Name Maddox", which equals 201 R.O, 123 E.O, and 57 R.F.R. Having said this, "The Holy Bible"=201 R.O, 123 E.O, and 57 R.F.R. This is no doubt a biblical connection as "No Name Maddox" and "The Holy Bible" match in 3/4 base ciphers in gematria. The term "Death of Charles Manson" also equals 201 E.O. All this is important because Manson has been portrayed as a Jesus-Like figure by the media and this biblical connection ties in with Jesus. "Jesus Savior of Mankind"= 83 F.R. and again Manson died at 83 years old. Now to the Jesus connections and keep in mind that 47 (the number we were talking about in the beginning) is the mirror number of 74. Manson allegedly claimed to be the "Reincarnation of Jesus Christ" and "Jesus", "Charles Manson", "Portray Jesus", "Independence Day" (remember that Independence Day for the United States is on 7/4), "Christmas Eve", "Mary the Virgin" and "Jesus Christ" all equal 74 in one of the four base ciphers in gematria. Also for those who don't know "Cross", "Parables", "Gospel",  "English" and even "Gematria"=74 E.O. Charles Manson's death date also has numerology of 67, as 11+19+20+17=67. "Human Sacrifice" and "Blood Sacrifice" both equal 86 R.F.R. and 67 F.R. Also "Sacrificed" and "Crucifixion" both equal 67 R.F.R, like Jesus Christ was a human/blood sacrifice by being crucified. This proves that Charles Manson had some biblical connections by the planning of the Jesuits/Catholic Church.

Update on 7/17/22

Charles Manson's mother died 201-days after her birthday, again, Charles Manson was named 'No Name Maddox' at birth, a name equating to 201, connecting to 'The Jesuit Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Freemasonic Order'.

She died on the day leaving 153-days in the year, the day in history that the founder of the Jesuits died on, his name was 'Ignatius of Loyola', a name equating to 1053 in Jewish gematria, 'Jesuit Order' equals 153, and 'The Illuminati' equals 153.

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