Inventor of 'Basketball' was a Freemason who died 22 days after his birthday on the day leaving 33 days in the year

The Inventor of 'Basketball' died 22 days after his birthday and 'Basketball' equals 22.

He also died on the day leaving 33 days in the year, 'Invent' equals 33, he was a freemason, 'Masonry' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, 'Masonry' has 33 degrees, he was born exactly a span of 33 weeks before modern freemasonry's birthday, he created basketball in 'Massachusetts', a state name equating to 33, and his first name was 'James', which equals 33.

Originally, James Naismith created 13 rules for the game of basketball, interestingly, 'Basket' equals 13 and 41, and 41 is the 13th prime number.

Kobe Bryant Statue Unveiled on 2/8/24, Lebron "King" James, and Tyga's "Young Kobe"

There will be some connections that present that I got from Gematria Effect News, but I have some more info. to add, so check out his posts on this subject: Kobe Bryant statue to be unveiled in LA, February 8, 2024, the day of Denver Nuggets @ Lakers - Gematria Effect News and Lakers to unveil new Kobe Bryant statue, February 8, 2024 (and the Kobe Bryant Day announcement) - Gematria Effect News

Kobe Byrant's statue was unveiled on Lebron's 41st day of his age, many say Lebron had Kobe sacrificed, 'Killer' equals 41, 'King' equals 41 (as Lebron is called "King James"), 'Kobe Byrant' equals 41, 'L.A.' equals 41, Kobe wrote a poem called 'Dear Basketball', a title that equals 41, and Kobe died at 41. In addition, 'Los Angeles, CA' equals 41, and Kobe's wife was 41 at the time this statue is unveiled. The lakers lost at home on the same day this statue was unveiled, this loss gave them a 17-9 record at home, and this record resembles 179, the 41st prime number. Kobe died on the pope's 41st day of his age and he died traveling from catholic mass.

Kobe's statue was unveiled 13 days after the day he died on four years ago, recall those 41 connections as 41 is the 13th prime number, 'L.A.' equals 13, and Kobe's daughter was 13 when she died in the helicopter crash with him. Los Angeles is called 'The City of Angels', a phrase equating to 169, which is 13 squared, and Kobe was the 13th pick in the 1996 NBA Draft.

Like I said, many say Lebron had Kobe sacrificed, well, Kobe died on a date with numerology of 67, 'Black Mamba' equals 67 (Kobe called himself "the black mamba"), 'Human Sacrifice' equals 67, 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 67, 'Killer' equals 67, 'Sacrificed' equals 67, and 'King' equals 67. Do you really think it's a coincidence that Lebron passed Kobe on the NBA's all-time scoring list just a day before he died?

The game that took place on the same day that Kobe's statue was unveiled kept Lebron on 24 wins for the season, Lebron is called 'King James', a name equating to 89, the 24th prime number, he is also called 'LBJ' for short, 'LBJ' equals 24, Kobe had 24 losses against the Nuggets in his career (this matters because the Nuggets were the team that Lebron and the Lakers played on the day that Kobe's statue was unveiled), and he had 24 home wins against them in his career (specifically, his record was 24-8, LOL). Furthermore, Lebron James was drafted when Kobe was 24, Kobe wore #24, Kobe Byrant Day is on the 24th of August, it's also called 'Mamba Day', a phrase equating to 24, and course, his statue was unveiled in 2024. On top of that, Kobe Byrant Day was exactly 24 weeks before his statue was unveiled, in 2020, Kobe's public memorial was on the 24th of February, and 'Los Angeles, California' equals 89, again, the 24th prime number. A rapper named "Tyga" released a song called "Young Kobe" when he was 24, the song is 204 seconds long, the music video released on 2/4, Tyga's birthday was a span of 89 days after Kobe's birthday, and again, 89 is the 24th prime number.

Like I've said, Lebron is called "King James", specifically, he is named after King James I of England, Kobe died 145 days before the birthday of the real King James, 'Cavelier' equals 145 (Lebron was drafted to the Cavaliers and the term "Cavalier" was first used during the english civil war), and 'Catholic' equals 145.

Lebron James or "King James" was drafted 58 days before Kobe's birthday, 'Kobe Bryant' equals 58, 'Los Angeles Lakers' equals 58, and the real King James died at the age of 58.

Lebron joined the Lakers exactly a span of 81 weeks before Kobe died, 'Ritual' equals 81 in two of the four base ciphers, 'Kobe Bean Bryant' equals 81, and Kobe's highest scoring game was with 81 points.

Lebron was drafted on a date with numerology of 35, 'King James' equals 35, 'Catholic' equals 35, and Tyga's "Young Kobe" music video came out on the 35th day of the year while Kobe was 35. Furthermore, the Illuminati (which Tyga is definitely a sellout to) was created by a Jesuit 149 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 149 is the 35th prime number, the all-seeing eye was put on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill in 1935, 'Illumination' equals 149, 'Seeing Eye' equals 149, and again, 149 is the 35th prime number. Also, 'Eye' equals 35, 'Watched' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35 (what the jurisdiction of the pope is called), 'Oculus' equals 35 (latin word for eye), again, 'Catholic' equals 35, and 'Jesuitism' equals 35.

The "Young Kobe" music video released on YouTube 201 days before Kobe's birthday, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. On top of that, Kobe died in a helicopter crash traveling from 'Catholic Mass', a phrase equating to 201, and in Tyga's "Young Kobe" music video the first thing you see is a helicopter.

A line in Tyga's "Young Kobe" is "Pyramids and homicide descriptions, all hail this 20 vision" (think about the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid on the dollar), I think this confirms that he's an Illuminati sellout, along with the fact that the "Young Kobe" music video released 86 days before the Illuminati's birthday, when 'Pyramid' equals 86, 'Eye of Providence' equals 86, 'Jesuits' equals 86, 'Killers' equals 86, 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 86, 'Human Sacrifice' equals 86, and "86'd" means to get rid of.

Finally, the outcome of the game that took place on the same day that Kobe's statue was unveiled kept the Lakers on 113 all-time wins against the Nuggets, 'Kobe Byrant' equals 113, 'Los Angeles, CA' equals 113, 'Dear Basketball' equals 113 (the title of Kobe's poem), 'Unveiling' equals 113, and 'The National Basketball Association' equals 113. Oh yeah, and Kobe made his Lakers debut in 1996 on 11/3.

News about Saturn's 'Death Star' Moon having a "Secret Ocean"

See here to know what I'm talking about: Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon may have a secret young ocean – scientists (

This news about Saturn's 'Death Star' Moon having a "Secret Ocean" premiered on most media outlets, like msn, on a date with numerology of 33, 'Lunar' equals 33, 'Death Star' equals 33, 'Saturnic' equals 33, the Fraternity of Saturn has 33 degrees, in Jewish gematria, 'Saturno' (Spanish for "Saturn") equals 561, just as 'Saturnian' does, and 561 is the 33rd triangular number. In addition, the greek mythology version of "Saturn" of roman mythology is 'Cronos', a name equating to 33, in 1982, Saturn and three of its moons were seen by a Voyager spacecraft a span of 33 weeks after Saturnalia, and 'Voyager' equals 33.

Originally, there was a video on the article that I have linked above that was 2:01 long, but they replaced it with another video, 'The Moon of Saturn' equals 201, 'Planet Saturnus' equals 201, 'Saturn Worship' equals 201, and 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 201.

Most media outlets, like msn, reported this news on the 38th day of the year, 'Secret' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38 (as in Death Star), 'Ocean' equals 38, and these last two words are actually a perfect match in the four base ciphers. On top of that, 'Planet Saturn' equals 163, the 38th prime number, Saturn is actually associated with death through the color black, and it isn't called "the black cube" for no reason.

Of course, "Death Star" is a reference to 'Star Wars', a phrase equating to 97, 'Death' equals 97, 'Ocean' equals 97, George Lucas created 'Star Wars', and this news was reported by msn and most media outlets 97 days before his birthday.

Recall the 201 connections discussed earlier, having said that, the first Star Wars movie was 2 hrs. and 1 minute long, which appears on the screen as 2:01:00, like 201, a number connecting to the phrase 'The Jesuit Order', and the phrase 'Order of Illuminati'. To add on, 'Saturnian Order' equals 201, and in Jewish gematria, 'Roman' equals 201 (as in roman catholic church).

Auburn vs. Alabama in College Basketball Again!

This matchup between Auburn and Alabama on 2/7/24 (which was Auburn University's birthday) was a span of 41 days before Bruce Pearl's birthday, Alabama recently won against Auburn, it was their 13th win of the season, Auburn had a chance to tie that game with 13 seconds left, the abbreviation of "Alabama" is 'AL', which equals 13 and 41, a phrase that Bama fans say is 'Roll Tide', which equals 41, and 41 is the 13th prime number. Going back to the latest matchup between the two, Alabama scored 41 points in the first half, but Auburn won this one, getting their 13th win against ranked opponents at home under Bruce Pearl with this win, 'Bruce Pearl' equals 169, and 'Auburn Tigers' equals 169, which is the 13 squared.

Both teams came into this game with 22 games played, this famous matchup has been called the 'Iron Bowl of Basketball', a phrase equating to 79, the 22nd prime number, Alabama is the 22nd state of the United States, 'Basketball' equals 22, and Auburn scored 22 points off of Alabama's turnovers. Nates Oats is Alabama's head coach, his birthday is on the day leaving 79 days in the year, 'University of Alabama' equals 79, 'Auburn Tigers' equals 79, again, 79 is the 22nd prime number, and Alabama's mascot is 'Big Al', a name that equals 22. (DEFINITELY CONSULT THIS POST FOR MORE RELATED INFO: Exposing the Gematrix: One of the Biggest Rivalries in College Basketball: Alabama defeats Auburn 79-75 (

This game came a span of 56 days after the day 'Alabama' became a state in history, in Jewish gematria, 'Alabama' equals 56, Auburn University was founded in 1856, 'Auburn Tigers' equals 56, and 'Iron' equals 56 (as in "Iron Bowl").

The game was on a day with numerology of 33 and 'Tigers' equals 33.

This game was also on a day with numerology of 53, which is the 16th prime number, Alabama came into this game ranked 16th in the country, and the outcome of this game kept them on 16 wins for the season.

Again, this game is on 2/7, 'Auburn, AL' equals 27, and 'Rivals' equals 27, as this is a match-up between 'Rivals'.

Auburn got their 36th all-time home win vs. Alabama, 'Auburn, Alabama' equals 36, and 'War Eagle' equals 36.

This loss for Alabama kept their head coach on 108 wins with Alabama, 'Auburn, Alabama' equals 108, 'Auburn Basketball' equals 108, and 'Iron Bowl' equals 108 in two of the four base ciphers, as this matchup is called "The Iron Bowl of Basketball".

This latest matchup between these two came 14 days after their last meeting, 'AL' equals 14, the difference of the score at halftime was 14 points, and in 1819, Alabama became a state on the 14th of December.

Current 22-year-old Women's College 'Basketball' Player for Iowa: Caitlin Clark (#22) born on the 22nd day of the year in 2002

Caitlin Clark is a famous stud women's college 'Basketball' player for Iowa, she wears #22, in 2002, she was born on the 22nd day of the year, January 22nd, she is currently 22 years old, and 'Basketball' equals 22. I'm SURE this will be a big year for her, she's actually close to beating the all-time women's college basketball scoring record.

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