Napoleon: An Archetype of Mars

Napoleon died at the age of 51, of course, he was known for his military dictatorship, 'Mars' equals 51, 'Mars' is the God of War in roman mythology, 'Rome' equals 51, the first month of the roman calendar was named after 'Mars', it was named 'Martius', a word that equals 510 in jewish gematria, and 'Warmonger' equals 51, a word that has been used to describe Napoleon by many. Regarding Napoleon's death, many say he was poisoned, specifically with arsenic, killing people via arsenic poisoning has historically been a go to for the Jesuits, so yes, I definitely think they were behind Napoleon's death. Having said this, 'Conspiracy' equals 51, and I think it's worth pointing out that the Jesuit creation that is the Illuminati was established on 5/1 in 1776, after all, this is the secret society that is commonly thought to be behind popular conspiracies.

Napoleon was born a span of 119 days after the last day of Aries, which is ruled by mars, again, the 'God of Warfare', which is a phrase equating to 119 just as 'Planet Mars' does, and a roman festival in honor of mars is celebrated on 10/19, remove that 0 for another 119 connection. Napoleon gained power by becoming the First Consuel of France at the end of the French 'Revolution' on 11/9 in 1799, a date with numerology of 119, and 'Revolution' equals 119. A connection to remember for later is that 'Vatican' equals 119 as well.

Furthermore, 'Napoleon' equals 38 just as 'Planet Mars' does, and 'Aries' equals 38, and again, the zodiac is ruled by mars. Joaquin Phoenix played Napoleon and his birthday is a date with numerology of 38, his last name is the name of the mythological fire-bird, 'Fire' equals 38, and 'Fire' is the element of 'Aries'.

The movie "Napoleon" came out 201 days after the day Napoleon died on in history, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201 (as it was created by a Jesuit, and when people refer to "the Illuminati" today, just know that depending on the context the word is being used in, it's really a synonym for "the Jesuits"), and 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201 (modern-day freemasonry is also Jesuit/Illuminati controlled). The first connection is important because 'The Jesuit Order' operates out of the catholic church, and a key aspect of Napoleon's rule was his relationship with the roman catholic church, specifically, in 1801, Napoleon and the Church reached an agreement, which was called the Concordat of 1801. The last connection is significant because although it's debated whether Napoleon was a freemason or not, he definitely associated with them and at one point decided to protect them (see this: Napoleon I and Freemasonry ( As for Napoleon's connection to 'Mars', the planet's name equals 201 in jewish gematria, just as 'Roman' does, like I said 'Mars' is the god of war in 'Roman Mythology', a phrase equating to 201, and 'Roman God of War' equals 201.

The time of Aries starts on the 21st of March, the month gets its name from Martius, the first month on the earliest roman calendar, which got its name from Mars, again, the god of 'War' in roman mythology, and 'War' equals 21. I bring this up because Napoleon's birthday was exactly 21 weeks after the first day of Aries, not to mention, "Ares" was the name for the god of war in greek mythology.

The movie "Napoleon" came out on a day with numerology of 56, interestingly, Napoleon shared a birthday with the 'Society of Jesus', a phrase that equals 56, Napoleon died 263 days after his birthday, 263 is the 56th prime number, and the movie came out 56 days after the Jesuit Order's birthday. In addition, 'Revolution' equals 56, as Napoleon rose to power during the French 'Revolution', and 'Paris, France' equals 56, where the Society of Jesus formed.

Napoleon died 102 days before his birthday, 102 is a number that connects to many wars and acts of war throughout history, a lot of which specifically point to the Jesuits (who are a military order) as being the ones responsible. Anyways, the attacks on 9/11 lasted 102 minutes, 'World Trade Centers' equals 102, a book translated by a Jesuit that pretty much explains their convert war strategies is 'Art of War' by SUN Tzu, 'Art of War' equals 102, 'World War' equals 102, 'Holy War' equals 102 (the nickname for the crusades), 'Battle' equals 102, and 'Warrior' equals 102. The Civil War started on the 102nd day of the year, according to the mainstream, 'Slavery' was the primary reason for this war, and 'Slavery' equals 102. Abraham Lincoln, the president during the Civil War even stated "The war, the American Civil War of 1861-1865, would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits".

For more evidence that the Jesuits were the puppet masters behind the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Revolution began EXACTLY 32 years before Napoleon died, the Jesuits have 32 sun rays on their logo, recall the supposed author of "Art of War" (which was translated by a Jesuit), 'Sun Tzu', that's a name that equals 32. On top of that, it's been said that Napoleon approved the restoration of the Knights Templar, therefore establishing a relationship with them, and it's also been said that he was a templar himself, although the latter point is debated by many. The Knights Templar was the old military order that used to operate out of the roman catholic church, the Jesuits are just a continuation of them as they are the current military order that operates out of the roman catholic church, having said all this, 'Templars' equals 32. Going back to the Jesuits, their logo, and Napoleon, again, Napoleon and the Society of Jesus shared a birthday, which is in the time of 'Leo', the zodiac ruled by the sun, 'Leo' equals 32, and again, the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays on it.

The movie "Napoleon" came out on a date with numerology of 33, 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33 in the same cipher. It was 'Joaquin' Phoenix who played Napoleon, 'Joaquin' equals 33 in the same cipher as the others, and in connection to his last name, a double-headed Phoenix is on the emblem of the 33rd degree of 'Masonry', although those who don't understand will tell you it's a double-headed eagle. A book that unsurprisingly mentions Napoleon several times and has even been said to have been primarily dedicated to him is 'Robert' Greene's "The 33 Strategies of War" which was published 33 days before the day Napoleon died on in history and a span of 33 weeks after Napoleon's birthday, which he shared with the Society of Jesus. Not to mention that the author's first name, 'Robert', equals 33 in the same cipher as all the other 33 connections.

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