"Brotherhood of Death" movie

This movie released on 14/9 in 1976, 'Skull and Bones' equals 149 and 76, and this is relevant because another name for 'Skull and Bones' is "the brotherhood of death".

"Mary, Mother of Jesus" (1999 Movie), MARYland, and The Moon

"Mary, Mother of Jesus" is a 1999 movie that released on the day leaving 47 days in the year, this is significant because the actor who played Jesus in this movie was 'CHRISTIAN' Bale, and 'Christian' equals 47.

The reverse of 47 is 74 and Christian Bale was born in 1974, 'Jesus', 'Cross', 'Gospel', 'Parables', 'Messiah', and 'Jesus Christ' all equal 74.

Mother Mary is often associated with the moon, 'M' is the letter that both words start with and it's the 13th letter of the alphabet. The words 'Moon' and 'Mary' are actually a match in three out of the four base ciphers. The state of MARYland was admitted to the union 233 days after the feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary, 233 is the 13th Fibonacci number. 'Apollo' equals 91, which is the 13th triangular number (as it was 'Apollo' 11 that first landed man on the moon, and in greek mythology, Apollo is the twin brother of the moon goddess Artemis). The phrase 'The Virgin Mary' equals 169, which is 13 squared. In 1917 on October 13th, there was an event that occurred called the 'Miracle of the Sun', a miracle that Mother Mary supposedly performed, 'Miracle of the Sun' equals 169, which again, is 13 squared. The actress who played Mary in the 1999 Movie "Mary, Mother of Jesus" was 41 at the time of the movie's release, and 41 is the 13th prime number. On top of all that, her birthday is on the 13th of february, and the movie released exactly 13 weeks before her birthday. Or in other words, the movie released 91 days before her birthday, and again, 91 is the 13th triangular number. Furthermore, St. John Paul II said that Mother Mary saved his life after he was shot on the 13th of May in 1981. It was 1917 in Fatima, Portugal when three shepherd children reported that they saw Mother Mary six times from May 13th to October 13th, and in five out of the six times, Mary appeared on the 13th of each month.

The moon landing occurred a span of 51 days before the feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary, 'Moon' equals 51, 'Mary' equals 51, and like I said earlier, the state of Maryland was added to the union 233 days after the feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary, and 233 is the 51st prime number. Going back to the Moon Landing, it happened in the time of cancer, which of course is ruled by the 'Moon'.

47-year-old Chris Cornell performed at a Masonic Auditorium on the 47th day of the year, San Francisco, and the Vatican

In 2012, Chris Cornell performed at a masonic auditorium in a fundraiser for President Obama. This occurred 211 days after his 47th birthday on the 47th day of the year, 211 is the 47th prime number, and 'President' equals 47. Of course, the masonic compass is set to 47 degrees, modern freemasonry was founded on a date with numerology of 47, and jewish gematria, 'Mason' equals 211, which again, is the 47th prime number. This masonic auditorium that Chris Cornell performed in was in San Francisco of all places, the name of the city officially became so in 1847, and it was founded 47 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. This is significant because San Francisco was named after Saint Francis of Assisi, one of the most respected figures in roman catholic history, 'Francis' equals 47, 'Vatican' equals 47, and in 1929, Vatican-city was established on 2/11, like 211, the 47th prime number.

Finally, 'San Francisco' was founded in 1776, 'San Francisco' equals 76, the city was incorporated a span of 76 days before its foundation date, the city was also incorporated a span of 76 days after the anniversary of it being named what it is today, and let's not forget that the Illuminati (which is a Jesuit creation) and the U.S. were both established in 1776. As I said earlier, San Francisco was named after Saint Francis of Assisi, and he was the founder of the 'Franciscan Order' (an old order of the Catholic Church), a phrase that also equals 76.

Kurt Cobain, Seattle, and More

The anniversary of the settlement of the city of Seattle was a span of 223 days after Kurt Cobain died in Seattle, not only that, but his band Nirvana contributed to the grunge movement that emerged out of Seattle. This is significant because 223 is the 48th prime number, Seattle was founded on the day leaving 48 days in the year, and in 1994, Kurt's body was found a span of 48 days after his birthday on 4/8 by an electrician named 'Gary Smith', a name that equals 48. Furthermore, 'Homicide' equals 48, because the death of Kurt Cobain was NOT caused by suicide. You could say that the 'Illuminati' was behind his death, although to be more specific, it was the Jesuit Order that had their fingerprints all over his death (as I've covered before). But anyway, the 'Illuminati' was created by a Jesuit, and 'Illuminati' equals 48.

Nirvana's first album, 'Bleach', is a name equating to 22, Kurt was 22 at the time of its release, and he was born on 2/20 (22), a date with numerology of 22. His infamous wife, Courtney Love, was born on 7/9 (79), and 79 is the 22nd prime number. Of course, 'Nirvana' is a key concept in Buddhism, 'Buddha' equals 22, and 'Nirvana' equals 79, which again, is the 22nd prime number. Kurt's body was found a span of 220 (22) days before the anniversary of the settlement of the city of Seattle. Finally and interestingly enough, Nirvana's most popular song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" released 202 (22) days after Kurt's birthday.

Finally, Kurt died 44 days after his birthday, 'Shooting' equals 44 (as he ALLEGEDLY shot himself), 'Seattle' equals 44, 'Cobain' equals 44, 'Kill' equals 44, and 'Execution' equals 44. It's definitley worth pointing out that the chinese words for "four" and "death" sound similar, and of course, the word "death" starts with the letter "d", which is the 4th letter.


Exposing the Gematrix: Death of Kurt Cobain, Undeniable Buddha Connection

XXXTentacion and Drake

XXXTentacion was born on a date with numerology of 24, he died on a date with numerology of 24, he was/is often referred to as 'X', which is the 24th letter, and X's real name was 'Jahseh', which equals 24. Drake released his song "I'm Upset" a span of 24 days before X died, this is important because in the song Drake says, "SMS, triple X, That's the only time I ever shoot below the neck, Why you keep on shootin' if you know that n**** dead?, That's the only kind of shit that gets you some respect". See, X and Drake had beef, it was so big that many think Drake had something to do with X's death. X made claims that Drake tried to sacrifice him, and on his instagram, there was a post that said if anyone tries to kill him it was Drake. Although, X would later say his instagram got hacked when that post was made, so he wasn't the one that posted it. Anyways, I do find it worth pointing out that Drake was born on the 24th of October. Having said all this though, who really knows if Drake had something to do with X's death, but something that is undeniable is that there is a ritual involving Drake, X, and 24.

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"Brotherhood of Death" movie

This movie released on 14/9 in 1976, 'Skull and Bones' equals 149 and 76, and this is relevant because another name for 'Skull a...